Vladimir Blagoderov

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Filters: Author is Vladimir A. Blagoderov
V. A. Blagoderov, Grimaldi, D., and Fraser, N., Diverse Diptera from the Late Triassic of Virginia (USA) and the early radiation of the Diptera, Fossils x 3(Insects- Arthropods - Amber); Programme and abstracts: 3rd International Congress of Palaeoentomology with 2nd International Meeting on Palaeoarthropodology and 2nd World Congress on Amber and its Inclusions, pp. 14-15, 2005.
D. Grimaldi, Fraser, N., and Blagoderov, V. A., A diverse insect fauna from the Late Triassic of Virginia, USA: summary and new findings, Fossils x 3(Insects- Arthropods - Amber); Programme and abstracts: 3rd International Congress of Palaeoentomology with 2nd International Meeting on Palaeoarthropodology and 2nd World Congress on Amber and its Inclusions, pp. 43-44, 2005.


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