Jakub Prokop

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Filters: Author is Jakub Prokop
O. Dostál and Prokop, J., New fossil insects from the Lower Permian of Boskovice Basin in southern Moravia (Diaphanopterodea: Martynoviidae, Faunas and palaeoenvironments of the Late Palaeozoic - Special Publication to 5th Symposium on Permo-Carboniferous Faunas workshop „Interpretation of Marine and Freshwater Environmentsin Carboniferous and Permian Deposits , p. 10, 2008.
J. Prokop, Nel, A., and Dong, R. E. N., New insights in venation pattern morphology of Paleozoic insects, 2008.
J. Prokop and Nel, A., Fossil resin with biological inclusions in early Paleogene deposits from the Bile Karpaty Mountains in eastern Moravia (Czech Republic), Fossils x 3(Insects- Arthropods - Amber); Programme and abstracts: 3rd International Congress of Palaeoentomology with 2nd International Meeting on Palaeoarthropodology and 2nd World Congress on Amber and its Inclusions, p. 1, 2005.
A. Nel, Prokop, J., Ploëg, D. Gaël, and Millet, J., New Psocoptera (Insecta) from the Lowermost Eocene amber of Oise, France, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, vol. 3, pp. 371-391, 2005.
J. Prokop and Nel, A., New scuttle flies from early Paleogene amber in eastern Moravia, Czech Republic (Diptera: Phoridae), Studia Dipterologica, vol. 12, pp. 13-22, 2005.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith