Alexandr Ponomarenko

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D. V. Panfilov, ,, Pritykina, L. N., ,, Bekker-Migdisova, P. Yu, Ponomarenko, A. G., Tichomirova, M. Panfilov D., Sukatsheva, R. Rasnitsyn, and , Yurskie nasekomie Karatau [Jurassic insects of Karatau.]. Moscow: , 1968.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [Beetles of the family Cupedidae from the Lower Liassic of Soviet Central Asia.], Paleontologicheskij Zhurnal, vol. 1966, pp. 47-68 (in Russian, translated in English in International Geological Review, 9 (1967): 957-973.), 1966.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [New beetles of the family Cupedidae from Mesozoic deposits of Transbaikalia.], Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, vol. 45, pp. 138-143. (in Russian, translated in English in Entomological Review, 45: 75-79), 1966.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [New beetles of the family Cupedidae from the Jurassic deposits in Karatau.], Palentologicheskij Zhurnal, vol. 1964, pp. 49-62, 1964.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [Early Jurassic water beetles from the Anagara river.], Paleontologicheskij Zhurnal, vol. 1963, pp. 128-131, 1963.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [Palaeozoic cupedid beetles from the European part of the URSS (Coleoptera: Cupedidae).], Paleontologicheskij Zhurnal, vol. 1963, pp. 70-85, 1963.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [Early Jurassic water-tigers in the Angara-river basin (Ust-Baley).], Paleontologicheskij Zhurnal, vol. 1961, pp. 128 - 131. (in Russian.), 1961.
A. G. Ponomarenko, [On the systematic position of Coptoclava longipoda Ping (Insecta, Coleoptera).], Paleontologicheskij Zhurnal, vol. 1961, pp. 67 - 72. (in Russian.), 1961.
A. G. Ponomarenko, Neuroptera from the Jurassic in Eastern Asia, Paleontological Journal, vol. 18, pp. 59-69. [English translation of 1984, Paleontol. Zhurnal, 1984 (3): 64-73].


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